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New adult patient
Salutogenic model of health - Dr. Alex looks for clinical indications of subluxations, the nerve interference, that reduce YOUR internal genius within to express health.
At Power Within Chiropractic, Dr. Alex bases her practice on 4 health principles: the body is a self-healing, the nervous system controls every aspect of the human experience, interference to the nervous system sabotages health, Dr. Alex, removes interference to the nervous system. At Power within Chiropractic, Dr. Alex partner with YOU to help you achieve your health goals by making sure your body builds resilience by better adapting to your daily stressors and improving your physiology so you can function better and be the best you can be. Dr. Alex is excited to serve you and help you achieve your goals.
New Pediatric infant
At Power Within Chiropractic, Dr. Alex bases her practice on 4 health principles: body is a self-healing, the nervous system controls every aspect of the human experience, interference to the nervous system sabotages health, chiropractic adjustment removes interference to the nervous system. At Power within Chiropractic, Dr. Alex partners with YOU to help your kids achieve best expression of life by improving resilience and adaptability to daily stressors and improving physiology so the child can be the best version they can be. Dr. Alex is excited to serve you and help your child thrive and grow.
New Prenatal
Salutogenic model of health - Dr. Alex looks for clinical indications of subluxations, the nerve interference, that reduce YOUR internal genius within to express health.
At Power Within Chiropractic, Dr. Alex bases her practice on 4 health principles: the body is a self-healing, the nervous system controls every aspect of the human experience, interference to the nervous system sabotages health, Dr. Alex, removes interference to the nervous system. At Power within Chiropractic, Dr. Alex partner with YOU to help you achieve your health goals by making sure your body builds resilience by better adapting to your daily stressors and improving your physiology so you can function better and be the best you can be. Dr. Alex is excited to serve you and help you achieve your goals.
New Pediatric: 3 and older
At Power Within Chiropractic, Dr. Alex bases her practice on 4 health principles: body is a self-healing, the nervous system controls every aspect of the human experience, interference to the nervous system sabotages health, chiropractic adjustment removes interference to the nervous system. At Power within Chiropractic, Dr. Alex partners with YOU to help your kids achieve best expression of life by improving resilience and adaptability to daily stressors and improving physiology so the child can be the best version they can be. Dr. Alex is excited to serve you and help your child thrive and grow.
Subsequent visits: all ages
Analysis of the Spine for Spinal Dysfunction which is a known contributor to Autonomic Dysfunction/ Fight or Flight
Delivery of Adjustment if Clinically Necessary to Improve YOUR Adaptability, Resilience and Function to allow you the health you deserve and best expression of live to enjoy Activities of Daily Living you wish to partake in on a daily basis.
30min Discovery Call
Creating Healthy Humans - Preconception Coaching
Embark on a journey into a new way to view health. This is about working smarter and we can show you how to do just that. Are you ready to make health your natural state? Your journey will be fun, actionable, and attainable. We work in 120 day cycles, you receive personalized plan of care for your unique goals. What you can expect to gain from this journey and work: Identify the root cause of your health challenges; learn to control the controllable; learn to respond vs react to your stressors; wake up feeling rested and ready to take on the day with focus, clarity and determination; change the trajectory of your life.
I love My Brain Movement Program
Weekly "I love my Brain Movement Program" - 1 hour long class in the GSO community that
Promote healthier ways of processing the environment
Engage in stress-reducing activities
Strengthen family bonds
Support your community
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